a world map showing the route money transfer between us and india

Inkle Sales Tax

Streamline your US sales tax management

a white circle with a minus symbol on it
Our fees
Amount we convert
a green circle with a white background
Awaiting input
Live mid-market rate
a white circle with a minus symbol on it
0.25% (25 bps)
Our FX markup fee
a white circle with a blue x on it
Awaiting input
Conversion rate
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Disclaimer: The conversion rate may vary depending on the exact time of transaction.

Inkle Sales Tax

Streamline your US sales tax management

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Integrates with existing solutions

Sales Tax Nexus Studies

Examination and advise on nexus triggers

  • Covers all US States.
  • 1 week turnaround for each study.
  • Conducted by expert licensed US CPAs.
Sales Tax Registration

Stay compliant and register for Sales Tax

  • Covers all US States.
  • Takes less than a week.
  • Your paperwork is delivered via dashboard and chat.


Sales Tax Filing

Regularly monitor and file your Sales Tax

  • Covers US States.
  • Filed on a monthly or quarterly basis.
  • Regular monitoring to ensure compliance.


How is this different from SWIFT to Indian Bank transfers?

Flat Fees
FX Markup Fees
Payment Method
Banker Calls

Inkle Sales Tax

Streamline your US sales tax management

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Get started now

How funds are moved?

We open a Virtual Account with JP Morgan Chase for your Indian entity. You need to make a domestic wire from US Bank A/C to this Virtual Account, and then funds are credited in INR in Indian Bank A/C after currency conversion. Funds do not touch Inkle anywhere.

Is this only about fund transfers? What else is included?

No, it also includes compliance. You can pre-fix the purpose code and download e-FIRA for free from the dashboard to claim GST exemptions.

What fees are charged? Is GST applicable on fees?

There is a flat 0.25% forex markup fee on live mid-market rates. There are no other hidden fees, such as flat fees or GST deductions. Since we don't charge a flat fee, GST is not applicable.

What is FIRA? Why is it required?

Foreign Inwards Remittance Advice (FIRA) is a document used in the Indian cross-border payments context. It is used as proof of a foreign currency conversion to Indian Rupees. FIRA is required to claim a GST refund for services or goods exported from India. We provide you with a free FIRA on your dashboard for every transfer, simplifying the process for you.

What is a transfer pricing benchmarking study & audit? How often is this required?

A Transfer Pricing Benchmarking Study is conducted to determine the margin rate for transactions between the related parties. It is required annually from the second year of starting such transactions. A Transfer Pricing Audit (Form 3CEB) is a mandatory annual report that companies engaging in Transfer Pricing must file with the Indian tax authorities. Inkle can help you with both of these processes through our network of empaneled CA firms.

What is a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) filing for exporters?

Companies exporting goods or services from India need to furnish a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) on the GST portal. This allows them to make these exports without paying IGST upfront.  It is recommended to include the LUT Application Reference Number (ARN) on the Transfer Pricing invoice.

Here's a sample Invoice: drive.google.com/file/d/1sHgIx7AwswLQkUYnAaiGudN7ZMCh4XSi/view?usp=sharing